Welcome to CompleteNoobs

Greetings Fellow Noobs, after all, we all start as Noobs.

Fair Warning: This site is run by a CompleteNoob, working it out as I go. Use at your own risk.

Welcome to the “CompleteNoobs” project, which is still in a draft conceptual phase of development.
You can find it at www.completenoobs.com - Main Wiki Page - Shorter URL cnoobs.com

Ever had to look up the same thing repeatedly, only to find the working tutorial is down, and you can't find one as good? Share your tutorials, knowledge, experience, and quests on CompleteNoobs. Once new content is added, a new XML dump is created within a week and hosted on xml.completenoobs.com, allowing you to download and keep a local copy of the wiki which you can edit and host freely.

All content from CompleteNoobs is available for download as an XML file. You can download it and import it into your own wiki for local or global use at xml.completenoobs.com

Signup is currently open: Request Signup


The mission of this project is to create a libre-licensed educational wiki for the general public, ensuring the following freedoms:

The only proprietary aspects of CompleteNoobs are the domain and trademark.

First Tutorial

The first tutorial is on how to fork the current CompleteNoobs project:

Host Your Own MediaWiki Online

Local Copy

Or keep a private copy on your local computer or network, which you can use and edit privately:

While not tested, it should work on macOS as well.

CompleteNoobz Fork

A soft fork of CompleteNoobs was made called CompleteNoobz for pulling in content licensed under CC BY-NC-SA (CompleteNoobz is currently on hold): CompleteNoobz

Project Status

As you view these pages, please keep in mind that this project was in conceptual development and only had time from February 2023 to May 2023 to work on this full-time before it was put on hold. Early signups were disabled after the wiki attracted inappropriate content from bots.

Learning Path

How do we earn that which we do not know?

Well, we have the hard (and sometimes fun) way of learning it ourselves, or the easier way: find someone who knows and is willing to teach us.

We tend to look on search engines (or preferred sites) for tutorials. Personally, I prefer text when learning something familiar but require reminders, but when learning something new, I prefer video with voiceover. Both text and video are perfect for a wiki and can be easily applied.

Example: Ubuntu KVM to Windows 10

Education and Experimentation

Education and experimentation allow us to learn what is true or false.

Back in the old days of WEP Wi-Fi and when most websites were HTTP rather than HTTPS, I would hear that anyone could grab your ‘username’ and ‘password’ if they were sniffing internet traffic. This sounded hard to believe, so I dismissed it. Then one day, I followed a tutorial on cracking the WEP passphrase and was surprised at how quick and easy it was.

I then learned how to sniff/capture packets with Wireshark. I had one laptop connected to Wi-Fi running Wireshark, and on another laptop (also on Wi-Fi), I logged into an HTTP website. I was shocked to see my ‘username’ and ‘password’ captured from thin air in plain readable text, with very little knowledge needed.

Have you ever wondered if your username and password could be captured if you try to log into the wrong server with SSH?

Try it yourself: Ubuntu 18.04 OpenSSH-Server Capture Failed Passwords